Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Michael Kenward, Editor-at-Large, Science|Business

Entrepreneurship and scientific research are not in conflict after all, according to a study of university spin-outs in Italy, which found researcher-entrepreneurs are more productive than peers that are wedded to academe. The findings have implications for university administrators who fear the quality of an institution’s basic research will suffer if scientists get caught up in commercialisation.

This fear is based on the “publish or perish” mantra that holds in much of the academic world. You live or die, career-wise, on the number of papers you publish, and their impact, that is, how much attention other researchers pay to your contributions to ‘the literature’.

Companies on the other hand want to keep their work secret and fear that publishing research results can damage their competitive advantage.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Turning entrepreneurial doesn’t stunt academic research output - Science|Business