Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

google glasses

Tablet computers aren’t the first piece of technology to disrupt the industry: since the 1980s we’ve seen considerable advancement from computers the size of rooms to the one I’m clutching and writing an article with, on the train home from work. Twenty years ago we could never have envisioned that mobile phones would shrink to the size they did, and then elongate to the size they’re currently at.

Companies that have faced this disruption have either evolved or become extinct while whole industries have formed in the wake of new ones. Human beings should be more intelligent thanks to the dropping price of access to technology and ubiquitous information. Tablets, however, aren’t the end of this evolutionary cycle: Google Glass presents a major shift as broadcast-able technology becomes wearable.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Does wearable tech like Google Glass signal the age of ‘leaning in’? | memeburn