Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011 is the second edition of a study carried out by the Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology. Both reports have been produced as part of the PRO INNO Europe Initiative, which is primarily aiming at analysing national innovation policy performance. It is explicitly stated that the views expressed by the authors does not necessarily correspond to the position of the European Commission. As its predecessor, Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011 applies a methodology based on the aggregation of 25 different indicators into one composite indicator reflecting a country’s average innovation performance and allowing comparative assessment of strengths and weaknesses of particular innovation systems. To ensure comparability, data about the state of art in regards to human resources, financial support, entrepreneurial activity, investments, generated intellectual property, etc. is taken mainly from the Eurostat database, but also from internationally recognised sources such as OECD, Science Metrix, Scopus, and Thomson Reuters. Due to a time lag in data availability the report reflects performance in 2009/2010. The information about the innovation performance, segmented into 8 different innovation dimensions, is ideally suited for policy-makers to draw conclusions about where they should direct their efforts at in order to close the gap between their country and the innovation leaders. Even though some of the areas where development is lagging behind can not be easily and directly influenced by policy interventions, the well-structured, reliable and comparable information in the report facilitate the policy discussions.

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