Since 1986, I've asked more than 10,000 people where and when they get their best ideas. Less than 2% have said "the workplace." Based on my 25 years of working with a ton of innovation-seeking organizations, here's my take on why:
1. Too much to do, not enough time.
2. Too many distractions and interruptions.
3. You work in a risk averse organization.
4. Sleep deprivation.
5. Mental clutter.
6. Fear that someone will steal your idea.
7. You don't think of yourself as creative.
8. Boring meetings that put you in a bad mood.
9. You're not measured for the quantity or quality of ideas you generate.
10. Stultifying routine.
To read the original article: Mitch Ditkoff: 100 Reasons Why You Don't Get Your Best Ideas at Work