Teamability™ is new technology that measures and predicts how people will perform when working with others to achieve common goals. Its creator, The Gabriel Institute, is 'crowdfunding' some enhancements that will optimize results for entrepreneurs and startup teams.
If the funding campaign on is successful, TGI will make a 'pay it forward' contribution of its own: making 10,000 uses of Teamability available at no cost to entrepreneurs who are active in startup incubators and other entrepreneurship programs.
If there’s one thing this country needs, it’s new jobs. Helping the REAL job-creators fulfill their mission is a worthy cause, isn’t it?
Don’t miss this opportunity to help build a new wave of startup successes. The ‘T410K’ campaign is now in its final week, ending on Saturday, Oct. 6 at midnight PST. Here’s where to go:
If you need more encouragement, read on…
1. Big Business has it Backwards!
For starters, look at this chart, which dates back to 1977, to see where job growth really comes from. Established firms – the big guys – get all the respect and all the tax breaks. But at the same time, they also do most of the downsizing, offshoring, and outsourcing. That’s why, in all but 7 years of a 33-year span, startups contributed almost 100% of new job growth in the U.S. economy.
2. You’ll be an ‘insider’ in the launch of technology that is destined to become a sine qua non of investor due diligence.
The ability to predict team synergy, team resilience, and team success factors has the potential to reshape how business teams of all sized are evaluated, structured, and developed. This will give you something really cool to talk about when you’re networking with people in business, venture and angel investing, economic development, and entrepreneurship organizations.
We really will be giving Teamability to 10,000 Entrepreneurs. They only need to be working with a program such as a business incubator or a university entrepreneurship program. Interfacing with such organizations will give TGI the opportunity to amass some statistics based on actual startup team successes and failures. Since there are well over 1,000 such programs in the U.S. alone, this can give you a conversation-starter with business, government, and university leaders. You’ll help the cause by introducing Teamability as a free resource, and then continue on to present the details of whatever else you do. It’s always easier to lead with a gift, and this is the one that will keep on giving!
3. By supporting T410K, you will also be helping TGI in building-out system infrastructure that will optimize other specialized Teamability reports.
There’s a tremendous need for a new understanding of how the most successful salespeople ‘team’ with their prospects, and how the most effective leaders generate the positive, collaborative teamwork that produces outstanding and sustainable business success. And, soon after that, our ‘technology of teaming’ will also be able to generate reports for youths (10-16 year olds), for personal relationships (like marriage), and more.
4. It’s not enough to just feel good – also want to look good!
We have designed unique, and very cool, contributor ‘perks’ you’ll be proud to use and/or wear. Proclaim your leap into crowdfunding with ‘I Crowdfund’ mugs and t-shirts! Show support for the sacrifices that entrepreneurs routinely make in order to create prosperity, with an Entrepreneur’s Holiday shirt. Brag in style at your favorite health food store, or while walking your pet iguana. You can also get a first-run copy of A Person is a ‘Who’, Not a ‘What’ – the new book by TGI’s CEO, Dr. Janice Presser – and other great perks.
5. Finally, it’s not really enough to just look good. You’re also going to feel good.
Supporting T410K will make you a part of a very special segment of our community. Every contributor will be permanently listed in a ‘T410K Honor Roll’ on the TGI website, and you’ll be equally important to us no matter what the size your contribution may be. We leave that to you, asking only one thing – don’t wait any longer. Go to and show your support with a contribution, a comment, a tweet, a mention. Please join us now and please pass it on!