On the coasts, venture capital is sexy. Like the beautiful woman you’re too apprehensive to approach, investors are the forbidden fruit, presented to a plethora of startup visionaries and wannabes. No different than the mysterious vixen, VCs have secrets – they all play into investment strategy and factor into projecting fund success. I’ll let the cat out of the bag and share one of these with you: venture capital’s dirty little secret rests in its location. Startups located anywhere but the coasts are those considered sexiest by investors.
To be fair, I am a tad biased on the subject. Detroit Venture Partners (full disclosure: I’m DVP’s CEO and Managing Partner) is headquartered smack dab in the middle of the Rust Belt, and Detroit (our home city) is the region’s poster child, both for a crumbling manufacturing infrastructure and a core development of entrepreneurial endeavors. That being said, we have a reason to be biased – our experience investing in (and for) the city of Detroit has been nothing short of monumental.
To read the original article: Venture Capital: A Contrarian Shift - Forbes