Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


You like your current position, and you're doing well, but you just got a surprisingly attractive job offer. It's exciting. Your friends say they're happy for you. You expect to accept the offer.

But hold on just a minute. Let's assume that if you take that offer, you'll shift to a new function (or a new industry), and you'll enter a very different culture. You'll be required to move halfway across the country, and there'll be more business travel.

Should you take the plunge? Should you make a big bet or play it safe?

Any new job offer is an opportunity. But with opportunity comes risk. Deciding whether to take the new role or stay where you are is a tough choice. What if it doesn't work out?

To read the original article: Managing Risk in Career Decisions - Bill Barnett - Harvard Business Review