Correlation Ventures, a new analytics-driven venture firm, just came out with some interesting data on US venture capital returns over the past decade.
Instead of taking a “birth” vintage approach to returns, which is the way venture fund vintages and most benchmarking analyses tend to cut the data, Correlation Ventures’ team has chosen to look at all the realized exits and their returns in any given year. This data is based on financings (e.g., Series A and B rounds in the same company are two data points), and includes all prior financings into companies that went out of business, got sold, or got public (IPO) in that year. They are also dollar-weighted (e.g., for the top decile, or 90th percentile, 10% of all the dollar’s invested in financings of companies that exited in that year were above the realized multiple). Since 2003, each year represents 500-700 exits and over 2000 financings – so it’s a very robust dataset.
To read the full, original article click on this link: New Data on Venture Capital Returns: Exits Are Indeed Improving - Forbes