Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Jeanne Metzger

NVCA is pleased to announce that the annual review of our model legal docs is now complete and the revised documents have been posted to our website.  You can find the docs here.

There were very few changes this year, mostly because these documents have now undergone years of road-testing, fly-specking and legal review.  To call out a few of the updates: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Data Privacy reps were added to the SPA, in response to changes in the business landscape, and an alternative “lite” Open Source rep was also included.  Because Delaware Chancery Court arbitration has been called into question in a recent case, that is no longer included as a suggested method of dispute resolution. 

To read the original article: NVCA Model Legal Docs Updated for 2012 – Road Tested & Increasingly Valuable