Ever think you should probably expand your skills and learn another language? While learning to speak Japanese, French or Spanish would be a great achievement, there could actually be a few other languages you should consider — like JavaScript, Python or Ruby. And you should probably get started… right now.
In a world where the number of developer jobs is growing fast and free online resources like Codeacademy are flourishing, it’s hard to deny the value in knowing how to code. Shereef Bishay, founder of Developer Boot Camp, is teaching people how to program and running a startup that profits off commission from his graduates’ job offers. He thinks there is a misconception that only super-intelligent wizzkids can master a programming language. “I think everybody should learn to code,” he says. “It is the new literacy. Software is eating the whole world and in 10 or 20 years, if you don’t know how to program it (will be) like 50 years ago not knowing how to read and write. People need to do this.”
To read the original article: Why everyone should learn to code… before it’s too late [Infographic] | memeburn