Sure, you now know where to network, who to network there with and which student entrepreneurs to drag along with you, but that means diddly if you can’t make it more than 30 seconds into a conversation before stumbling over the startup jargon that inevitably permeates every event. No one wants to swap stories with the college student who’s saying, “Eli Manning shouldn’t have been last year’s Super Bowl MVP,” when they’re trying to talk minimum viable product.
To save you from the traumatizing experience of going all tongue tied, we’ve pulled together a list of buzzwords, both necessary jargon and informal slang, every entrepreneur should know. You’re welcome. Looks like you can hang out at the Venture Café and Voltage after all.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 21 Startup Buzzwords Every Student Entrepreneur Needs to Know | BostInno