This is the sixth and final post in my series on the six shifts presented in my new e-book, Associations Unorthodox: Six Really Radical Shifts Toward the Future, created in collaboration with CHIEF. (Please check out the previous posts in the series.) As always, I invite your feedback in the comments below, or you can join the Associations Unorthodox conversation on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #auxsix.
The Problem
The true nature of the orthodoxy surrounding association boards is often hard to understand. While the size, method of selection and composition of boards, the role of executive committees and the nature of CEO-board relationships can look very different depending on the association, all of these choices connect back to certain deep-seated beliefs about how boards are supposed to function. Meanwhile, building a genuine commitment to future-focused stewardship remains one of the most intractable governing challenges facing most associations. It is a challenge associations must resolve to overcome. The failure of boards to prepare their associations for the future may well constitute a passive form of moral hazard. For their organizations to succeed over the next decade and beyond, therefore, association boards must reassert their strategic legitimacy, or risk losing the support of the next generation of stakeholders.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Associations Unorthdox Shift #6: Build a strategically legitimate board