The purpose of this Notice is to announce the availability of a Commercialization Assistance Program (CAP) for NIH SBIR and STTR Phase II awardees. Now in its ninth year, this program is designed to help NIH SBIR and STTR Phase II awardees transition their developed products into the marketplace. Through a contract with Humanitas, Inc. of Silver Spring, MD with a sub-contract to Larta Institute of Los Angeles, CA, the CAP will provide early stage companies with individualized assistance toward accomplishing their commercialization goals.
The 2012-2013 CAP will begin in December 2012 and will conclude at the end of August 2013. With two distinctive tracks, the program offers customized assistance to meet the specific needs of both early stage and seasoned companies: Commercialization Training Track (CTT), and Accelerated Commercialization Track (ACT). Each is different in their objectives and outcomes.
To read the full, original article click on this link: NOT-OD-13-003: NIH Offers Commercialization Assistance Program to SBIR and STTR Phase II Awardees; Applications Due November 7, 2012