The State of Oklahoma benefits directly from a strong Science and Technology (S&T) base. Economic development in the United States over the past 50 years or more has illustrated that a commitment to S&T is the most important key to building a better economy and quality of life for our citizens. Oklahoma has been a leader in bold and innovative approaches to foster economic development, including unique incentives to support quality jobs, aerospace engineering and S&T investment. The collective efforts of the public and private sectors have led to Oklahoma being widely considered as one of the most business friendly states in the nation, standing strong with a robust expanding economy and relatively low unemployment.
However, Oklahoma has suffered some decline in recent years in S&T, as measured using several different S&T indicators. The state must reverse this decline. With strategic investment and planning, Oklahoma is well-positioned to realize growth in multiple S&T areas, including traditional core S&T sectors as well as new, high-profile, emerging markets and technology sectors, such as biotechnology and unmanned aircraft systems.
Download the report: OneOklahoma A Strategic Plan for Science and Technology in Oklahoma, 2012