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Huge ovens and industrial presses await start-ups at the Ceramics Corridor Innovation Center, a business incubator in south-central New York State. Companies use the equipment to churn out products that are largely invisible to consumers, though they are critical for everything from electronics to hip replacements.

Because of their particular requirements, startups in the ceramics industry face limited choices in business incubators. Nor can just any incubator give them useful advice. “It’s actually quite tough to find good space for startups,” says Alan Rae, executive director of the Ceramics Corridor Innovation Centers and its sister incubator, the Nanomaterials Innovation Center. “What we do is give access to the right type of work space, the ability to network, and a substantial set of equipment.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: There's an Incubator for Almost Every Business - Businessweek