Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


It's not just the kids who are trying to move back in. So is the Healthcare industry. The "in-home care" market has boomed in recent years, as Healthcare companies scramble to establish home-based caretaking models ahead of an aging wave of Baby Boomers. Private equity has taken notice. According to the Pitchbook Platform, PE firms have completed investments in 50 companies in the industry since 2010. The name of the game's been expansion; 40% of all deals have been buyouts, and almost 42% have been add-on acquisitions to those platforms. By sub-sector, 60% of private equity-backed companies are serving the Elder & Disabled Care market. Another 26% have nestled into the Clinics/Outpatient Services sector, providing anything from home-based therapy and nursing services to more complex diagnostic and clinical services. 14% provide home-based Managed Care, with several focused on patients with development issues. By region, more than half of the deal activity has occurred in the sunny South and Southeast, including 18% in retiree-friendly Florida. Texas ties with another 18%.

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