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Lexington's mayor Jim Gray, left, and Louisville's mayor, Greg Fischer, outside their respective offices. The two, elected on the same day in November 2010, and both Vanderbilt alumni, are collaborating to create a super-region model linking the two cities, and strengthening their economies.

LEXINGTON, Ky. — The rivalry between Kentucky’s two best college basketball teams, which will face off in the N.C.A.A. semifinals on Saturday night, is nothing short of a state civil war. Team flags are flying from car windows, mayors have wagered, and a brawl between two fans, one of them hooked up to a dialysis machine, had to be stopped by the police.

But behind the competition on the court, there is a new collaboration in the economy. The mayors of the teams’ cities — Jim Gray in Lexington and Greg Fischer in Louisville — are using their positions to persuade their cities, long at odds, to cooperate.

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