Ok you have the next big idea in clean tech and you have assembled a great team. What’s next? Capital. If you have ruled out traditional methods of financing like – banks, family or angel investors for your business, it is time to approach a Venture Capitalist. How do you get on their radar? Remember VC’s usually have a lot going on and very little time. Here are a few tips to put your best foot forward via Cleantech Open.
Cleantech Open partnered with Chevron to develop a series of videos to provide guidance on the practical things entrepreneurs must do to transform their ideas into thriving businesses. In this video, Trond Unneland, vice president and managing executive of Chevron Technology Ventures, and other representatives from venture capital funds discuss how entrepreneurs can secure an initial face-to-face meeting with a venture capitalist.
To read the original article: Tips for Entrepreneurs Part 1 – Getting the Investor Meeting