We can only hope that one day soon there'll be no reason to single out women as a specific category when we look at up-and-comers in the world of business. But the current reality is this: While the number of U.S. companies owned by women is increasing faster than those of other groups, those companies are responsible for just 6 percent of the country's employees and 4 percent of revenue, according to a 2012 report commissioned by American Express Open. Meanwhile, many studies maintain that women have significantly reduced access to capital and encounter less favorable loan rates. And don't get us started on the discrepancies in compensation between men and women performing equal work.
As relevant (and dispiriting) as these financial truths may be, they are at odds with the fact that fundamentally women are a more powerful presence in business than ever, as a work force and as entrepreneurs, technicians and corporate leaders. Here, we've identified innovators from several significant sectors: science, technology, retail and health, not to mention social and business services. We are certain their contributions and influence will have a profound impact going forward.
To read the original article: 2013's Entrepreneurial Women to Watch | Entrepreneur.com