This year’s most popular stories on LinkedIn reflect a common theme: self-improvement.
Professionals gobbled up advice on how to be more efficient, more productive, and, yes, even more “remarkable” in the eyes of their bosses. The self-help craze reflects, on some level, the realities of the economy. With the unemployment rate at 7.7%, and the economic recovery uncertain, businesspeople are looking for any edge they can find in the workplace.
The top stories included plenty of career lessons. Harvard Business Review’s Tony Schwartz reminded office workers everywhere to stop living in the “gray zone” – his term for multitasking – if they want to be more effective at work. Inc.’s Jeff Haden revealed that the best employees defy job descriptions, constantly re-work processes and show the quirky sides of their personality. Meanwhile, Business Insider let us all in on a secret: Recruiters spend, on average, just six seconds looking at our resumes.
To read the full, original article click on this link: The 12 Most Popular Stories of 2012 | Official LinkedIn Blog