Turns out, with accelerators, size really does matter.
While startup accelerator Y Combinator has sliced the size of its next class by around 40% after deciding that it grew too fast, competing, smaller accelerators are either maintaining their class sizes or, in at least one case, expanding a little.
In the land of startups, changes to incubators is kind of a big deal.
European Pressphoto Agency/Nacho Gallego Class size for startup accelerators is a finely tuned metric, and each accelerator has its “sweet spot.” Functioning as both a finishing school for entrepreneurially-inclined programmers (Airbnb, Dropbox, GrabCAD and Twilio all emerged from accelerators) and a source of talent for Google, eBay, AOL and other tech titans acquiring teams, accelerators have grown in number and size in recent years. The recent re-jiggering of class size by one of the oldest and most popular ones in Silicon Valley comes amid an industry-wide debate over the wisdom of seeding all these companies while Series A funding has failed to keep pace.
To read the full, original article click on this link: For Startup Accelerators, (Class) Size Does Matter - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ