Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Recently, we've been asking for product recommendations on LinkedIn from those who have attended an FEI event. One such recommendation, written by Mikel Cirkus, Global Director, Conceptual Design at Firmenich, included the following sentence "Innovation without foresight is like hunting blindfolded."

We couldn't agree more, and that's why the Front End of Innovation EMEA program is packed with sessions that will fulfill your foresight needs: from our annual Trenz®Walk: to our Future Trends summit, to our keynote address, "Tapping Into and Profiting from the Hottest Consumer Trends" with Henry Mason, TRENDWATCHING.COM

To read the original article: Front End of Innovation Blog: Consumer Trends Innovators Need to Be Aware Of in 2013