When you are pitching to a venture capitalist or angel investor, it’s like venturing into a dragon’s lair and attempting to convince the fire-breathing monster to give you one of its golden eggs. It’s a no-nonsense matter and one bad move could end your entrepreneurial ambitions.
Startups often think that once they have an idea, chances are it is rock star worthy and any self-respecting VC will be bonkers not to fork over piles of money to back their venture. Not so. Yes, some people get lucky, most need to work really hard at it.
When you approach the dragons of finance (the investors) and ask them to pour copious amounts of cash into your business, you don’t want to mess around. After chatting to a few VCs and attending, as well as judging, various startup competitions, it has become clear that there are things you just don’t do.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 7 things about your pitch the dragons hated | ventureburn