The transition from not working to working has never been easy, but in recent years it's gotten trickier. Yes, in this slow-growing recovery there are a lot of people still looking for work; but we're also seeing a change in employers' recruitment processes.
At the beginning of the recession, many hiring managers looked for people who had been laid off and offered them jobs well below their former pay level. Now, attitudes have shifted — most now assume that if you haven't been working, there must be something wrong. There has also been a change in how recruiters recruit. Instead of passively waiting for incoming resumes, recruiters now actively search for currently employed candidates, using social media and other search technologies. An emailed resume from someone who is not working may not even make it to their desks.
To read the full, original article click on this link: The Right Way to Tell Your Out-of-Work Story - Priscilla Claman - Harvard Business Review