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Clayton Christensen, Harvard Business School professor and author of The Innovator's Dilemma, says Tesla, Apple, VCs and universities all face big disruptive threats.

Harvard business professor Clayton Christensen literally wrote the book on technology disruption, and he thinks Apple, Tesla Motors, venture capitalists and most of the nation’s colleges and universities should be afraid. The author of The Innovator’s Dilemma said Wednesday that all of them could be killed by less advanced competitors in the same way that many once dominant technology companies have been in the past. Christensen shared his theories about how innovative giants are felled and replaced by relatively less sophisticated rivals, speaking to an attentive crowd of young entrepreneurs and funders at the Startup Grind conference in Mountain View on Wednesday.

To read the original article: Disruption guru Christensen: Why Apple, Tesla, VCs, academia may die - Silicon Valley Business Journal