Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


They say it takes a village, and this is especially true when startup ventures are looking for the perfect location. The presence of entrepreneurs in communities helps bring prosperity and a progressive spirit to those locations; startups drive local economies, promote job growth, and help carve an identity for a city or town. Conversely, many communities provide incentives and programs to attract and support entrepreneurial ventures that make the area thrive. Communities and companies rely on each other for growth.

Benefits for Local Communities

Attracting entrepreneurs to a city is an important part of not only job growth for the community, but also of the community’s personality as well. Entrepreneurs are smart investors, and they realize the benefits of supporting and investing in their own communities. But there are three specific reasons you should work to build an entrepreneurial community:

To read the original article: Building Entrepreneurial Communities: Value and Strategies