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Iowa Innovation Corporation

The Iowa Innovation Corporation is pleased to announce its preview of the new innovation-based programs that will be launched in the second quarter of 2013. These programs are a result of an intensive review of the present Iowa innovation ecosystem and thoughtful, business-led planning to determine if and how those gaps should be filled. Before we preview the new Innovation Corporation programs, we want to first tell you more about us ...

Who is the Iowa Innovation Corporation?

The Iowa Innovation Corporation is a private non-profit organization created by the 2011 Iowa General Assembly at the recommendation of the Iowa Innovation Council. The Iowa Innovation Council is a business-led volunteer association that was formally created in early 2010. It is the result of consolidating three existing organizations, the Iowa Bioscience Alliance, Advanced Manufacturing Council and Information Technology Council into one comprehensive unit that is charged with the development of strategies to grow the state’s innovation-based economy. The ultimate goal is to double the GSP attributed to the advanced manufacturing, biosciences and information technology industries within 10 years.

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