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White House chief technology officer Todd Park (White House)

Congress created the Office of Science and Technology Policy in 1976, but Barack Obama was the first president to appoint a White House chief technology officer. In 2012, Todd Park became the second person to hold the position. 

So what does does the position entail? "I function as tech adviser at the White House, and as a kind of tech entrepreneur-in-residence," Park says, "So what I'm really doing with a lot of my time is effectively running an incubator inside government."

Much of Park's expertise lies in mining big data, particularly health care data, and he's applied that knowledge to innovation within the White House. His office's Open Data Initiatives program aims to "liberate data from the vaults of the government, while rigorously protecting privacy." The program, inspired in part by President Reagan's decision to open access to the military's global positioning system in the 1980s, works with the belief that data can "be used as fuel for entrepreneurs and innovators to create jobs, improve lives, and advance national priorities."

To read the original article: Todd Park: President Obama's Tech 'Entrepreneur-in-Residence' - The Takeaway