Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Buying airplane tickets, the odd concert ticket, movie ticket and books online is pretty much where most of us feel comfortable when we talk ecommerce. We generally like to touch and feel things when we are looking at buying tangible goods. But while we have been looking and touching; the rest of the world has taken to ecommerce like a humpback whale to krill. A recently released eMarketer report estimates that Business 2 Consumer (B2C) ecommerce sales rose 21.1% in 2012 to a stunning one trillion US dollars. This all-time high figure is predicted to increase a further 18.3% to US$1.298-trillion in 2013.

To read the original article: Ecommerce is now a trillion dollar industry: here’s how it happened | memeburn