Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

I can do it.

How to be a young entrepreneur? It’s the million dollar question we seem to hear everyday at Under30CEO. The problem is that there isn’t a blueprint out there that will show you every step along the way to building a successful business. Not only is every business different but every person/founder is different. We all have different interests, opinions on what is right/wrong, different skill-sets & traits and a million other things that make each business unique in it’s own way. There are principles you can follow that will help guide you in the right direction. Hopefully they will help you make the right decisions or motivate you to execute your idea 110%. But that is all we can ask for.

We decided to build a list of questions that everyone should ask themselves before starting a business. These questions will hopefully help you form an idea, evaluate your idea, evaluate yourself and even execute your idea. If you answer all of these things honestly you might just figure out what your business should be and if you’re even cut out to run your own business.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How to be a Young Entrepreneur: 60 Questions to Guide You