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U.S. Life-Sciences Startups Heed Calls From Offshore - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ

For years, U.S. life-sciences startups have sought to avoid some of the problems in their industry–including a scarcity of investment funding and a sometimes-daunting regulatory process–by raising funding or commercializing overseas.

Nowadays, foreign organizations and governments are the ones making the overtures, hoping that American life-sciences companies can create jobs and stimulate the life-sciences industries in their countries.

ROMEO GACAD/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images While far from being an ideal situation for the U.S. economy, the development has opened up new opportunities for life-sciences startups that are simply looking to stay afloat until they can commercialize, said Dale Wahlstrom, chief executive of Minnesota-based industry association LifeScience Alley.

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