When I closed out 2010, I realized I had embarked on one of my craziest journeys to date: that November, I started a venture capital firm. Now in its “terrible twos,” Detroit Venture Partners has grown to seven employees, plus three partners (including me, the firm’s managing partner). We’ve invested in 17 companies, generated more than 150 jobs, and made a noticeable impact in the technology epicenter of downtown Detroit’s urban core. Not bad for two years. However, there have been a series of growing pains; lots of potholes could have been dodged with a few tidbits of advice. The same is true for any business – before starting, find out from industry leaders what they wish someone would have told them before they started out. Here’s my list from starting our VC firm. What’s yours?
To read the original article: 4 Things Nobody Told Me Before I Started a Venture Capital Firm - Forbes