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trash fish

Artists Mathieu Goussin and Hortense Le Calvez create innovative underwater sculptures out of jeans, streamers, and lawn chairs--to remind us that stuff doesn’t belong down there. 1 Comments


A lot of environmentally conscious folks prefer to cut each plastic ring from their disposed-of six-packs. While the thought behind this act is certainly commendable--an effort not to entangle any fish that swim within bubbling distance of these sea shackles--it connotes a certain inevitability that is unsettling: the idea that all trash winds up in the ocean. Clearly sympathetic to the cause, scuba diving artists Mathieu Goussin and Hortense Le Calvez are making art to caution against this eventuality.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 1 | See Amazing Underwater Sculptures Made Of Our Marine Trash | Co.Create: Creativity \ Culture \ Commerce