Eric Johnson over at AllThingsD calls our attention to a “breathtaking” game, the pleasingly literally titled Throw Trucks With Your Mind, on Kickstarter. The game, beloved by those who try it, uses a NeuroSky headset to enable you to control objects onscreen with the sheer force of your mind. Multiple people who’ve played the game say it’s about as close as you’re going to get to feeling like a Jedi. Sounds like a winner, right?
And yet the game has only scored, as of this writing, roughly half of its $40,000 goal. The project has 12 days to go, but unless it catches a wave of popular support—totally a possibility, admittedly—it seems quite possible that it won’t get funded. Of course, Kickstarter is full of projects that, it would seem, rightly failed to meet their goal. BuzzFeed has amusingly rounded up 37 of the “saddest” examples here. Indeed, a survey last year showed that about 41 percent of Kickstarter projects fail. But it seems that Throw Trucks With Your Mind genuinely deserves to rise above that graveyard.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Maybe Kickstarter’s Just Not That Into You | MIT Technology Review