Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


StepOne Ventures, a non-profit organization located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is seeking a Chief Executive Officer. StepOne Ventures is a new 501c3 venture development organization whose long term goal is to establish Louisiana as a nationally significant center of high growth entrepreneurship and innovation. StepOne Ventures will initially focus on creating a highly productive entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Baton Rouge area, and then expand throughout the state. Step One Ventures will also manage all aspects of a separate for profit venture capital fund, called the Ion Fund, and the CEO of Step One Ventures will have responsibility for the day to day operations of this fund and its success.

The CEO position requires an experienced business professional who has a combination of executive, fundraising, and community leadership skills, and significant experience in the management of a complex organization while interfacing with a wide range of partners, entrepreneurs, financial supporters, collaborators, and the community.

Send applications to Dustin McMahon, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To read the original article: SSTI - SSTI Job Corner