Ahh, the future. That mystical place filled with robots and flying cars… and hopefully your businesses. Things are moving incredibly fast when it comes to technology, as trends which never existed before (think BYOD and that thing called social media) are increasingly becoming just another part of every day life. Think about it: ten years ago Facebook didn’t exist — now there are legions of postings for social media strategists, managers and gurus populating jobs boards. You can log into work from the other side of the globe and give presentations from your smartphone. What will be possible in the future?
Financial services and consulting company Deloitte sheds some insight in its annual tech trends report, which seeks to do a bit of educated crystal ball gazing to figure out the key technologies which will experience significant adoption rates in the next 18-24 months. The topics are devised based on current research and conversations with industry experts, but they only get added to the list if there are at least three key companies already implementing the technology in their everyday business, so it’s not all totally science fiction.
To read the original article: 7 major tech trends your business needs to take advantage of right now | memeburn