Innovation is not a solo sport. It requires rich ecosystems we call Rainforests. Relationships, trust, and culture are what drive growth. In the Rainforest Revolution, we showcase leaders who are building ecosystems, and we provide practical insights for entrepreneurs, economic developers, executives, policymakers, investors, professionals, inventors, and other innovators.
Today we feature one of Silicon Valley's leading "Rainforest Revolutionaries"... Tim Draper. Tim lives and breathes the philosophy of the Rainforest in all of his work. Tim is the founder of venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson, and a pioneer in the venture industry through the DFJ Global Network, which now reaches over 30 cities around the world. His new passion, Draper University, is a school for mentoring the brightest 18-26 year old entrepreneurs, whom he calls "heroes."
To read the full, original article click on this link: [Rainforest Rev] Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Italy, Tim Draper Q&A, Insights from WSJ & Forbes