Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


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Overit Media in Albany, New York, is at the leading edge of a trend. The 30-person company was recently featured in Fast Company because of its hourly company-wide business fitness breaks, which range from lunges and pushups to “freestyle dancing.”

Every hour, employees drop what they’re doing when the company P.A. urges them to join in the two-minute group fitness activity. There’s also a power walk at lunch.

When I saw the photos of Overit employees “planking” on their office floors, I giggled. (And also thought that you’d have to have a pretty casual dress code – or a pretty good janitorial staff – to be confident about dropping to the floor at any given moment). But giggles aside, Overit has the right idea.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The Company That Works Out Together, Works Well Together