I first visited the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology in Ghana when it first opened in 2008. It was impressive then and it has continued to impress since—helping incubate promising tech startups throughout the country. Five years later, it is part of a growing entrepreneurial ecosystem in Accra that is laying the foundation for future growth. In our final commentary on Africa, we hear from Alicia Robb, senior fellow at the Kauffman Foundation, who has just returned from Ghana about her thoughts on the progress being made.
Ghana is one the fastest growing economies in Africa, experiencing strong growth over the past decade and forecasted to grow at 6% to 7% annually in the coming year. With a diverse and rich natural resource base, Ghana also has one of the highest levels of per capital GDP in Africa. Entrepreneurship is going to play a key role in Ghana’s future. The number of entrepreneurship education and training programs has proliferated in Ghana over the past decade and a growing number of young people are pursuing entrepreneurship, with hopes of striking it big.
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