Quebec City, May 15, 2013-- Frank T. Piller holds the Chair of Managementat RWTH Aachen University (RWTH), where he directs the Technology & Innovation Management Group. In addition to being one of Europe’s most prestigious institutions, RWTH is regarded as the top German university for the quality of the engineers and managers it graduates (WirtschaftsWoche, April 2013). Mr. Piller is also co-director of the MIT Design Lab’s MIT Smart Customization Group (affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Prior to taking up his position at RWTH, he taught at the MIT Sloan School of Management (Behavioral & Policy Sciences Group, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Group, 2004-2007) and Munich-based TUM Business School (1999- 2004).
“We are fortunate to be working with a champion in a cutting-edge discipline aimed at created value for companies and organizations that adopt a problem-solving process such as that proposed by Seeking Solutions. The results we’ve seen at each of our events are so impressive that Mr. Piller agreed to serve as our special advisor and international ambassador. Thanks to his vast network and influence, we are convinced that he will enable us to speed up our development dramatically,” said Yahya Baby, co-founder of the Quebec City-based company Seeking Solutions.
After Mr. Piller published an article in the German-language version of the Harvard Business Review and released a book in 1997, mass personalization joined the forefront of management best practices. He subsequently authored or co-authored numerous more works dealing with mass personalization, open/collaborative innovation and co-creation with clients (please see the full list below). His blog is the primary source of information on these topics (
Co-founder of two organizational management consulting firms (Think Consult and Competivation), Mr. Piller applies his theories by helping companies to better meet their clients’ needs by adopting high-impact strategies. He has provided consulting services and organized in-house workshops for more than 50 companies, some of which are ranked among the top 30 on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (DAX30) or America’s Fortune 500, including Adidas, Audi, Bank of America, Bertelsmann, BMW, Daimler, Dell, General Electric, Infineon, J&J, Lego, Lectra, Mars/Masterfoods, Nokia, Sears, Siemens and Unilever.
For Immediate Release
Mr. Piller holds a Ph.D. in Operations Management from the University of Würzburg, Germany (1999). He is a fellow of the German Scholarship Foundation and one of the founding members of the European Academy of Management. Together with Mitchell Tseng, he launched and co-presides the series of Mass Customization and Personalization Conferences (MCPC), the leading professional event in the field. About Seeking Soltutions
Seeking Solutions (En Mode Solutions) organizes open/collaborative innovation events and workshops in Quebec and internationally on behalf of companies and institutions hoping to resolve complex problems and boost their competitiveness (
Caroline Tremblay
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