Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Shoals Entreprenurial Center director Giles McDaniel shows some locally designed kitchenware and tools to state and federal affiliates of the Appalachian Regional Commission, Earl Gohl, Jimmy Lester and Guy Paul Land, as they tour the Shoals Culinary Center in Florence on Tuesday.

Chequetta Shaw said she thought she knew about cooking before she trained at the Shoals Culinary Center.

“But I didn’t,” Shaw said, while chatting Tuesday with an Appalachian Regional Commission official. “There’s a whole lot of knowledge provided by this program.

She said the center gave her more than a jump on life. “Y’all gave me a good leap.”

To read the original article: Shoals incubator program a model in federal study -