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Founded by Rich Bendis


“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”

Emotional Abuse …

Frustration because your needs are not met…

Lack of Support…

Emptiness …


Five things you want to avoid in relationships.

The best way to do that?

Respect is demonstrated by our actions, not our words. When those actions are absent, especially at a trivial or simple level, there is also a distinct lack of respect. In every relationship respect goes hand-in-hand with love and commitment. You cannot love someone you don’t respect or are not prepared to commit to, even for a short time. Otherwise you will resent the time spent with them, or spent doing things on their behalf, when you could be doing something else or be with someone else. Neither can you love someone you really do not trust. Once trust is gone, the feelings become superficial as the relationship shifts in terms of both emotion and power. You would no longer respect that person, tending to be suspicious of their actions instead of celebrating and enjoying their presence.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Principles of Powerful Relationships