If your organization is conducting innovation leadership training, the odds are it’s failing. And there’s a very simple reason why: You are focused on training leaders to lead people, rather than training leaders to build and lead systems. And if that’s the case, you are surely failing.
Our culture tends to place an inordinate amount of attention on the individual leader. We want to idolize our organizational leaders as heroes, and we want to think of individuals as the prime cause of things like innovation. We write case studies about innovative institutions and innovative ideas and generally attribute the innovation to the individual leader . . . the great, daring, breakthrough thinker. No wonder that when we set out to create training and development for innovation leaders we tend to think about . . . the individual leader. And as a consequence, we tend to think about what individuals can do in an organization to create or encourage innovation . . . in other individuals.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Why Your Innovation Leadership Training Will Fail - Forbes