While in graduate school, a close friend asked me how I became an entrepreneur. As I reflected on the question, I was embarrassed to confess that I had never identified the influential factors that led me to start two companies in my twenties. How did I grow so comfortable with risk? Where did my view of, and passion for, business come from? When did I gain the confidence that I could beat the odds?
As a child, I saw both the power and perils of striking out on your own. My father’s printing company in Menlo Park, American Printing & Copy, was the engine that propelled our family from survival mode to economic stability. Our family’s humble beginnings and unpredictable household income meant that my parents had many sleepless nights spent worrying about how they would pay rent. But over time, their financial conversations shifted from meeting basic needs to giving their kids better educational opportunities and achieving other shared aspirations. While I will always celebrate my mother, this article is a Father’s Day tribute to my dad, whose love and example empowered me to become an entrepreneur. Here’s how he did it:
To read the original article: How To Raise An Entrepreneur - Forbes