There are a lot of people who believe innovation is dead. And I’m not going to sugar-coat anything, some of their arguments are solid. Just listen to academic Robert Gordon or big-time entrepreneurs Peter Thiel and Max Levchin, and you might even be convinced yourself. But don’t be. Because while the arguments might appeal to the crotchety old man in each of us, they’re dead wrong.
The reasoning of innovation pessimists goes something like this: innovations of the past– like the toilet, refrigeration, and the polio vaccine– solved massive problems and changed the world. But innovations of today– like Facebook FB +0.89%, Android, and the Nintendo Wii– solved nothing (unless you consider boredom a problem). The damning implication of this is that our generation has failed to produce innovations that will solve the tremendous problems of our time, problems like global warming, rising cancer rates, or and our depleting oil supply.
To read the original article: Innovation Isn't Dead (It's Just Different) - Forbes