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My mom has no idea what I do: 5 future jobs your kids will be explaining to you | memeburn

I don’t have a particularly complicated job. I’m a copywriter and sometimes I create content that ends up on the internet. You would imagine this would be pretty simple for my parents to explain to their friends. Not so – the other day I caught my mom telling someone that I do ‘something with websites’. Although I would like to claim the wide variety of awesome this mysterious website-ery must entail, it’s simply not true. You can’t really blame her though; modern-day career options are much more diverse than they were a generation ago and it’s hard to keep up. Doctor, lawyer, engineer, teacher, those are simple to explain and understand. But when it comes to titles like ‘User Experience Designer’, ‘Online Reputation Manager’ and ‘Social Media Content Editor’ things go a bit wonky. I sincerely think my grandparents must secretly wonder whether we’re making all this up to cover for the fact that we spend our days tinkering on a glorified typewriter.

To read the original article: My mom has no idea what I do: 5 future jobs your kids will be explaining to you | memeburn