If you think you want to start a company, questions ought to be buzzing through your mind: How do I know I’m ready to start a company? Which of my ideas is worth betting on? How do I get a risk-averse customer to try my product? If I get customers, how do I scale the business? How do I build my start-up’s team?
Mobiquity founder and CEO, Bill Seibel – a serial entrepreneur — offered his take in a July 28 interview. Briefly, Seibel’s answers are: Because you’re passionate about something you’re good at doing – not just to get rich; pick a simple idea that solves a big problem; show how your product beats the competition and build the best team; pick customers that need your product the most; and build a team of people with the best skills who work well with others.
Image: Flickr
To read the full, original article click on this link: Relentless Entrepreneur's Five Tips For Aspiring Start-up CEOs - Forbes