If you can’t deal with failure, then the entrepreneur lifestyle is not for you. Don’t believe that urban myth that all you need is a good idea, a little fun work, and the money will start rolling in. When you are pushing the limits, nobody gets it right the first time, or even maybe the tenth time. That’s why the term “pivot” was invented, so you don’t have to call every change a failure.
Thomas Edison called every failure an experiment (now it would be a pivot), and each one told him successfully what didn’t work. Mistakes are more insidious, and should be avoided at all costs (use your advisors and other resources). Mistakes are things you do on purpose, with negative consequences already known by many others, because you didn’t do your homework.
Image Courtesy of zirconicusso / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
To read the original article: Startup Professionals Musings: 10 Principles for Startup Success Through Failure