Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Professor Suzanne Berger, above, and Professor Phillip A. Sharp co-chaired the Production in the Innovation Economy Commission, which just finished its two-year study of the U.S. manufacturing sector’s role in supporting innovation.

President L. Rafael Reif announced Friday a new Innovation Initiative at MIT for research and education focused on the role of manufacturing in “accelerating” innovation, which he called the “signature competitive advantage” of the United States.

Reif made the announcement in 10-250 before dozens of industry leaders, who had gathered to hear the findings of a two-year study conducted by the 20 faculty members and 12 students of the Production in an Innovation Economy Commission, co-chaired by political science professor Suzanne Berger and biology professor Phillip A. Sharp.

To read the original article: Innovation Initiative - The Tech