Global Context for Innovation
Hongxin Tan, General Manager, International Technology Transfer Center of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, "Innovation and Technology Transfer Challenges in China"
Lars Malmborg, Kalmar Kommunbolag AB, Kalmar, Sweden, "Baltic-China Science Park Network"
Chuck Erickson, CEO, US Market Access Center, San Jose, USA, "The Incubator as a Soft Landing Zone"
Veneta Ivanova & Wolfgang Kniejski, INI - Novation GmbH, Germany, "Changing Roles of Science and Technology Parks Overcoming Challenges in the New Global Economy"
Valery Tsepkalo, Director, Belarussian Park of High Technologies, Belarus, "Creating an Innovative Environment in the Republic of Belarus"
Alena Apiakun, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus, "Innovation Centres in Belarussia"
Jelena Angelis, Oxford Innovation Ltd, UK, "Joining hands – South-East England’s Innovation Advisory"
Tatiana Stelmakh, Russian Union of Innovation and Technology Centers, "The Realization of the Project to Develop Russian Innovational Networks which Support Innovational Enterprises and the Integration within European Networks"
Environment and Energy
Rainer Nõlvak, Business Angel and environment protection enthusiast, Estonia, "Role of Private Initiatives in Environment and Energy"
Sigridur Thormodsdottir, Nordic Innovation Centre, "Clean-Tech Networks - Opportunities for Collaboration"
Uffe Bundgaard-Joergensen, CEO, InvestorNet, "Food & Clean Tech Innovation Funds"
Katharina Krell, Greenovate!Europe, Belgium, "Innovation Vouchers Tailored to Environmental Service SMEs"
Peter Vadasz, Mayor of Güssing, Austria, "Regions Promoting Renewable Energy"
Linas Kliucininkas, Head of the Department Engineering, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, "Post-Ignalina Energy Supply in Lithuania"